Alejandra Moreno

Customer Success Manager

Posts by Alejandra Moreno

The IoT and digital signage - an ideal combination for personalisation

Face camera recognition with

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Signage are increasingly complementary and necessary, not only because of their immediacy, but also because of their ability to generate and capture measurable, dynamic and automated interactive information in real time.

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The dashboard, the most relevant data for decision making in one place.

The dashboard, the most relevant data for decision making in one place.

By registering on the platform, you get to the dashboard, a well summarized one-page control panel, where you get a first glimpse of the usual actions, management statistics and geolocation of the devices, everything you need to facilitate the management of the platform.

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To be user-friendly is to grow with the best ally, the user

To be user-friendly is to grow with the best ally, the user

The term software usability or user-friendly software refers to the ability to interact with end-users in the easiest, most comfortable, and intuitive way possible without losing sight of its objectives.

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